My quick answer is yes, yes you should.

At its very basic level, a ghostwriter writes as someone else. This happens in all forms, from text on a website to client newsletters. The ghostwriter's goal is to write so that the client's customers have no idea that the words they're reading have been written by someone else.
Learning how to write in a client's voice takes some practice, but think of all of the time you'd be able to save by outsourcing writing things like blogs and newsletters! Wouldn't you rather be doing the creative work for your business?
I am a ghostwriter for two clients, writing their periodic newsletters. They've told me that by outsourcing this task, they're able to get rid of the busy work and focus on the tasks that they enjoy doing in their businesses. Not only do they get to reclaim their time, but keeping an active newsletter (or blog!) continues to serve their clients and grow their lists.

My current process for ghostwriting is to consult with the client about what topic they'd like covered in their newsletter. If it's something that I may not know about, I'll start with researching the topic. Next comes the outline, where I'll figure out what main points I need to cover in the text. Then, I'll write my first draft, and upon its completion, I'll send that to my client for their first reactions.
Once they've approved what I've written, I'll insert the text into their newsletter provider of choice and format and add links as needed. Once that's completed, I'll send the client a test email for the final check and approval.
Are you looking to focus less on the mundane tasks and more on the work you enjoy? I can certainly help with that! Take a moment to reach out to me to let me know what kind of help you're looking for.